Strict Covid Measures Could Restrict Southeast Asia Drydocking Capacity

High freight rates and ongoing workforce limitations due to travel restrictions and Covid-19 measures are expected to result in Southeast Asia’s ship repair capacity falling by more than 25% compared to pre-pandemic levels, according to Nippon Paint Marine. In 2019, a total of 516 vessels totalling 28mdwt drydocked at Singapore shipyards for paint jobs, but […]
Nippon Paint Marine Registers Spike in Turkish Drydockings Amid Asia Capacity Concerns

Turkey, 22 September 2021 – Nippon Paint Marine has registered a significant spike in Turkish drydockings as operators of small to mid-size tonnage redirect vessels from Asia due to capacity issues and a general tightening of COVID rules. According to the Japanese paint manufacturer, one of the global suppliers of marine coatings, ship repair projects […]