Underpinning Developments in Antifouling

Hydrogel, a term first coined in 1894 but a technology not developed until the 1960s, is arguably one of the world’s most underrated technological advancements of the past 50 years. The technology underpins countless biomedical breakthroughs and is a fundamental component in the development of new solutions ranging from contact lenses, breast implants, and hair […]
FASTAR – A Next-Generation Hydrolysis Antifouling Paint Using Nanotechnology

Japan, 22 January 2021 – Precise – Predictable – Performance. In January 2021, Nippon Paint Marine Coatings Co., Ltd., a group company of Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. will launch FASTAR, a unique nanodomain structured hydrolysis antifouling paint using nanotechnology. In January 2021, Nippon Paint Marine Coatings Co., Ltd., a group company of Nippon Paint […]